The Creative Brain & Time Blocking

Okay. So the last blog in the series was about a productivity technique that involves grouping similar tasks together and tackling them together. ✨ Task batching✨

 If you have not read that yet I will link it right here. But in summary - Task batching boosts productivity and creativity by grouping similar tasks into focused time blocks,  minimizing energy-draining context switching. Understanding task types and using time-tracking tools help optimize your schedule for maximum efficiency. Experiment to find your ideal batching rhythm and unlock your full potential with less wasted time and mental effort.

This blog post is allll about time blocking. 


  1. Introduction and Benefits of Time Blocking

  2. Understanding the Different Types of Tasks

  3. Time Blocking Tips and Tricks

Introduction and Benefits of Time Blocking

Ever feel like you're in a constant wrestling match with time, desperately trying to pin it down while those brilliant ideas you're aching to bring to life slip through your fingers? I've totally been there.. I've felt that gnawing frustration, that overwhelming sense of too much to do and not enough hours in the day. But I've started implementing something that has made the way I approach my work, my creative process, and even my life less frustrating.

This simple yet powerful technique is called time blocking, and it's about to become your new best friend ( after me - of course.)

What The Heck Is Time Blocking, Anyway?

Time blocking is all about scheduling specific chunks of time on your calendar for different tasks or projects. It's like making appointments with your muse, creating sacred spaces in your day where creativity is the guest of honour.

No more winging it, no more hoping you'll stumble into a productive groove. Time blocking allows you to take control of your schedule and design it in a way that nurtures your creative spirit.

Why Time Blocking is a Creative's Dream Come True

1. Unlocking the Flow State: Remember those moments when you're so immersed in your work that time seems to not be real, and ideas flow effortlessly? That's the flow state, our holy grail of creativity.

Time blocking helps you reach that state more consistently by eliminating distractions and interruptions. When you know you have a dedicated block of time for a specific task, you're less likely to be lured away by that tempting notification or that half finished project you meant to do.

2. Riding Your Energy Waves: We're not robots ( yet 👀) , so our energy levels fluctuate throughout the day. Some of us are morning people, bursting with energy and focus as soon as we wake up. Others are night owls, finding our groove as the sun goes down.

Time blocking allows you to benefit from your natural rhythms by scheduling your most demanding tasks during your peak performance times. Save those energy-intensive activities like writing, brainstorming, or strategic planning for when you're feeling most switched on. When your energy dips, shift gears to lighter tasks like answering emails, organizing files, or catching up on industry news.

3. Taming the Overwhelm Monster: If you're creative, chances are you have a million and one ideas swirling around in your head. It's exciting to be creative AF, but it also can also be paralyzing. * task paralysis enters the chat* That feeling of overwhelm can easily kill your motivation and creativity. ←- this is where we sit and dissociate for hours lol

Time blocking acts as a soothing balm for that overwhelmed brain. When you see your tasks neatly laid out on your calendar, each with its own designated time slot, that overwhelming to-do list suddenly becomes much more manageable. You'll have a clear roadmap for your day, reducing anxiety and freeing up mental space for the creative magic to happen.

Step-by-Step Guide to Time Blocking

1. Discover Your Peak Hours: Take a few days to observe your natural energy patterns. When do you feel most alert, focused, and creative? Are you a morning person, afternoon person, or night owl? Once you understand your rhythms, you can schedule your most demanding tasks for those peak times.

2. Break It Down: Take a look at your project or task list and break it down into smaller, more specific actions. Instead of simply writing "work on marketing strategy," break it down into smaller tasks like "research competitor campaigns," "draft social media posts," or "create email newsletter."

3. Block Party Time: Open your calendar and start assigning time slots to each task. Be realistic about how long each task might take, and be sure to schedule breaks throughout the day. You don't want to burn out! Don't be afraid to experiment with different time block durations to find what works best for you. Some people prefer longer blocks for deep work, while others thrive with shorter, more focused sprints.

4. Flexibility is Key: Life is unpredictable, and sometimes things don't go according to plan. That's okay! The beauty of time blocking is that it's flexible. If something unexpected comes up or your energy levels change, you can adjust your schedule as needed. The goal is to create a framework that supports your creative flow, not one that feels restrictive or rigid.

Time Blocking Tips & Tricks

Theme Your Days:
Consider dedicating specific days of the week to different types of tasks. For example, Monday could be your "content creation" day, Tuesday could be your "client meeting" day, and so on. This can help you get into the right mindset for each type of work.

Don't Forget "White Space": Leave some empty space in your calendar for those unexpected "aha!" moments or spontaneous bursts of creativity. These are the moments that often lead to breakthroughs and innovative ideas.

Use the Right Tools: There are tons of amazing tools and apps out there to help you with time blocking. Experiment with different options to find what works best for you. Some popular choices include Google Calendar, Outlook Calendar, Trello, Asana, and Notion.

Start Small: Don't feel like you need to time block your entire day right away. Start with a few tasks or a specific project and gradually expand as you get more comfortable with the process.

Celebrate Your Wins: When you successfully complete a time block, take a moment to acknowledge your accomplishment. This will help you stay motivated and reinforce the positive impact of time blocking on your productivity.

Creating Task Menus: Brain dump all weekly tasks, then group and prioritize them. Estimate task durations realistically and create a visual menu with color-coded categories. When time blocking, choose tasks from your menu that suit your schedule and energy, allowing flexibility for adjustments.


Kathleen xxoo


Time blocking is a kick ass and underrated  tool for writers who want to reclaim their time, boost their productivity, and foster their imaginative growth..  It's not about sacrificing your spontaneity or forcing yourself into a rigid schedule. It's about creating a structure that supports your natural rhythms, protects your focus, and allows you to do your best work. 


The Creative Brain & Tools/ Apps


The Creative Brain & Task Batching.